Our first PYP Sharing for the second semester comes off this Saturday January 23, 2021 to share with parent how the program is being implemented and how parents can also support the inquiry process.
In the longer run and for wide-reaching issues, more creative solutions tend to come from imaginary interdisciplinary collaboration.” Robert J Shiller Our MYP students are thrilled and excited to invite you to the first ever MYP Interdisciplinary Exposition.
The next time you open your fridge or walk through a market, kindly think of the farmers who dedicate their lives to making sure there's enough food for you and I. C.I.A. says 'ayekoo' to our hard-working farmers
Our guest speakers will delve into books which are a great source of knowledge and information. We can't wait for this exciting and informative session.
C.I.A. joins the American community to celebrate thanks giving day. No matter what's going on in your life, there is always something to be thankful for. We are thankful for the love, joy and warmth shared by our students and every member of the school community.
On this occasion of the International Children's Day, we join like-minded educators around the world to celebrate the uniqueness, love and color children bring to the world. Our children are the reason we have hope for a better tomorrow. We celebrate the Agency of our students. The Voice Choice and ownership of students must be continually honored.